经常性神经网络(RNNS)是强大的动态模型,广泛用于机器学习(ML)和神经科学。之前的理论作品集中在具有添加剂相互作用的RNN上。然而,门控 - 即乘法 - 相互作用在真神经元中普遍存在,并且也是ML中最佳性能RNN的中心特征。在这里,我们表明Gating提供灵活地控制集体动态的两个突出特征:i)时间尺寸和ii)维度。栅极控制时间尺度导致新颖的稳定状态,网络用作灵活积分器。与以前的方法不同,Gating允许这种重要功能而没有参数微调或特殊对称。门还提供一种灵活的上下文相关机制来重置存储器跟踪,从而补充存储器功能。调制维度的栅极可以诱导新颖的不连续的混沌转变,其中输入将稳定的系统推向强的混沌活动,与通常稳定的输入效果相比。在这种转变之上,与添加剂RNN不同,关键点(拓扑复杂性)的增殖与混沌动力学的外观解耦(动态复杂性)。丰富的动态总结在相图中,从而为ML从业者提供了一个原理参数初始化选择的地图。
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This paper proposes an easy-to-compute upper bound for the overlap index between two probability distributions without requiring any knowledge of the distribution models. The computation of our bound is time-efficient and memory-efficient and only requires finite samples. The proposed bound shows its value in one-class classification and domain shift analysis. Specifically, in one-class classification, we build a novel one-class classifier by converting the bound into a confidence score function. Unlike most one-class classifiers, the training process is not needed for our classifier. Additionally, the experimental results show that our classifier \textcolor{\colorname}{can be accurate with} only a small number of in-class samples and outperforms many state-of-the-art methods on various datasets in different one-class classification scenarios. In domain shift analysis, we propose a theorem based on our bound. The theorem is useful in detecting the existence of domain shift and inferring data information. The detection and inference processes are both computation-efficient and memory-efficient. Our work shows significant promise toward broadening the applications of overlap-based metrics.
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Concept bottleneck models (CBMs) (Koh et al. 2020) are interpretable neural networks that first predict labels for human-interpretable concepts relevant to the prediction task, and then predict the final label based on the concept label predictions.We extend CBMs to interactive prediction settings where the model can query a human collaborator for the label to some concepts. We develop an interaction policy that, at prediction time, chooses which concepts to request a label for so as to maximally improve the final prediction. We demonstrate thata simple policy combining concept prediction uncertainty and influence of the concept on the final prediction achieves strong performance and outperforms a static approach proposed in Koh et al. (2020) as well as active feature acquisition methods proposed in the literature. We show that the interactiveCBM can achieve accuracy gains of 5-10% with only 5 interactions over competitive baselines on the Caltech-UCSDBirds, CheXpert and OAI datasets.
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We propose a framework in which multiple entities collaborate to build a machine learning model while preserving privacy of their data. The approach utilizes feature embeddings from shared/per-entity feature extractors transforming data into a feature space for cooperation between entities. We propose two specific methods and compare them with a baseline method. In Shared Feature Extractor (SFE) Learning, the entities use a shared feature extractor to compute feature embeddings of samples. In Locally Trained Feature Extractor (LTFE) Learning, each entity uses a separate feature extractor and models are trained using concatenated features from all entities. As a baseline, in Cooperatively Trained Feature Extractor (CTFE) Learning, the entities train models by sharing raw data. Secure multi-party algorithms are utilized to train models without revealing data or features in plain text. We investigate the trade-offs among SFE, LTFE, and CTFE in regard to performance, privacy leakage (using an off-the-shelf membership inference attack), and computational cost. LTFE provides the most privacy, followed by SFE, and then CTFE. Computational cost is lowest for SFE and the relative speed of CTFE and LTFE depends on network architecture. CTFE and LTFE provide the best accuracy. We use MNIST, a synthetic dataset, and a credit card fraud detection dataset for evaluations.
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This paper considers adaptive radar electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM) to mitigate ECM by an adversarial jammer. Our ECCM approach models the jammer-radar interaction as a Principal Agent Problem (PAP), a popular economics framework for interaction between two entities with an information imbalance. In our setup, the radar does not know the jammer's utility. Instead, the radar learns the jammer's utility adaptively over time using inverse reinforcement learning. The radar's adaptive ECCM objective is two-fold (1) maximize its utility by solving the PAP, and (2) estimate the jammer's utility by observing its response. Our adaptive ECCM scheme uses deep ideas from revealed preference in micro-economics and principal agent problem in contract theory. Our numerical results show that, over time, our adaptive ECCM both identifies and mitigates the jammer's utility.
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The vision community has explored numerous pose guided human editing methods due to their extensive practical applications. Most of these methods still use an image-to-image formulation in which a single image is given as input to produce an edited image as output. However, the problem is ill-defined in cases when the target pose is significantly different from the input pose. Existing methods then resort to in-painting or style transfer to handle occlusions and preserve content. In this paper, we explore the utilization of multiple views to minimize the issue of missing information and generate an accurate representation of the underlying human model. To fuse the knowledge from multiple viewpoints, we design a selector network that takes the pose keypoints and texture from images and generates an interpretable per-pixel selection map. After that, the encodings from a separate network (trained on a single image human reposing task) are merged in the latent space. This enables us to generate accurate, precise, and visually coherent images for different editing tasks. We show the application of our network on 2 newly proposed tasks - Multi-view human reposing, and Mix-and-match human image generation. Additionally, we study the limitations of single-view editing and scenarios in which multi-view provides a much better alternative.
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Neural network-based approaches for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) have recently received special attention. However, the large majority of neural PDE solvers only apply to rectilinear domains, and do not systematically address the imposition of Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions over irregular domain boundaries. In this paper, we present a framework to neurally solve partial differential equations over domains with irregularly shaped (non-rectilinear) geometric boundaries. Our network takes in the shape of the domain as an input (represented using an unstructured point cloud, or any other parametric representation such as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) and is able to generalize to novel (unseen) irregular domains; the key technical ingredient to realizing this model is a novel approach for identifying the interior and exterior of the computational grid in a differentiable manner. We also perform a careful error analysis which reveals theoretical insights into several sources of error incurred in the model-building process. Finally, we showcase a wide variety of applications, along with favorable comparisons with ground truth solutions.
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We consider the classic online learning and stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, when at each step, the online policy can probe and find out which of a small number ($k$) of choices has better reward (or loss) before making its choice. In this model, we derive algorithms whose regret bounds have exponentially better dependence on the time horizon compared to the classic regret bounds. In particular, we show that probing with $k=2$ suffices to achieve time-independent regret bounds for online linear and convex optimization. The same number of probes improve the regret bound of stochastic MAB with independent arms from $O(\sqrt{nT})$ to $O(n^2 \log T)$, where $n$ is the number of arms and $T$ is the horizon length. For stochastic MAB, we also consider a stronger model where a probe reveals the reward values of the probed arms, and show that in this case, $k=3$ probes suffice to achieve parameter-independent constant regret, $O(n^2)$. Such regret bounds cannot be achieved even with full feedback after the play, showcasing the power of limited ``advice'' via probing before making the play. We also present extensions to the setting where the hints can be imperfect, and to the case of stochastic MAB where the rewards of the arms can be correlated.
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制作对抗性攻击的大多数方法都集中在具有单个主体对象的场景上(例如,来自Imagenet的图像)。另一方面,自然场景包括多个在语义上相关的主要对象。因此,探索设计攻击策略至关重要,这些攻击策略超出了在单对象场景上学习或攻击单对象受害者分类器。由于其固有的属性将扰动向未知模型的强大可传递性强,因此本文介绍了使用生成模型对多对象场景的对抗性攻击的第一种方法。为了代表输入场景中不同对象之间的关系,我们利用开源的预训练的视觉语言模型剪辑(对比语言图像 - 预训练),并动机利用语言中的编码语义来利用编码的语义空间与视觉空间一起。我们称这种攻击方法生成对抗性多对象场景攻击(GAMA)。 GAMA展示了剪辑模型作为攻击者的工具的实用性,以训练可强大的扰动发电机为多对象场景。使用联合图像文本功能来训练发电机,我们表明GAMA可以在各种攻击环境中制作有效的可转移扰动,以欺骗受害者分类器。例如,GAMA触发的错误分类比在黑框设置中的最新生成方法高出约16%,在黑框设置中,分类器体系结构和攻击者的数据分布都与受害者不同。我们的代码将很快公开提供。
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